Wednesday, January 22, 2014

BR 2-14 : Jack and the Beanstalk

"With a hen that laid gold eggs and a beautiful singing harp, Jack and his mother lived very happily." (p.47)

Jack & the Beanstalk (Young Reading Level 1)

One day, a boy Jack searched the house for something to eat, because he was very hungry. There was a cow in his house named Milky White, so he and his mother decided to go to market and take him to sell. They met an old man, and he wanted to buy the cow for five dried beans. That was magic beans, he said. He woke up the next morning, there were strange things. He looked closer and saw a massive plant, reaching up to the sky. Like that, he and his mother made their dreams come true.
If I can make dreams come true, I want to be smart, have long and beautiful hair, become a rich man, become fashionable, and spend happy life.

[156 words]

Daynes, Katie. (2006). Jack and the Beanstalk. London, England: Usborne

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